Internet Surfer 2.0
Internet Surfer 2.0 (Wayzata Technology) (1996).iso
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.151
alt.fan.dice-man Fans of Andrew Dice Clay.
alt.fan.disney.afternoon Disney Afternoon characters & shows.
alt.fan.don.no-soul.simmons From "Amazon Women On The Moon" fame.
alt.fan.douglas-adams Author of "The Meaning of Liff", & other fine works.
alt.fan.eddings The works of writer David Eddings.
alt.fan.frank-zappa Is that a Sears poncho?
alt.fan.furry Fans of funny animals, ala Steve Gallacci's book.
alt.fan.gooley Fans of Markian Gooley and his followers.
alt.fan.goons Careful Neddy, it's that dastardly Moriarty again.
alt.fan.howard-stern Fans of the abrasive radio & TV personality.
alt.fan.itchy-n-scratchy Bart Simpson's favorite TV cartoon.
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett A white sports coat and a pink crustacean.
alt.fan.john-palmer Tygra, tygra, burning blight...
alt.fan.kevin-darcy For Kebbie.
alt.fan.letterman One of the top 10 reasons to get the alt groups.
alt.fan.mike-jittlov Electronic fan club for animator Mike Jittlov.
alt.fan.monty-python Electronic fan club for those wacky Brits.
alt.fan.mst3k Mystery Science Theatre 3000 tv show.
alt.fan.pern Anne McCaffery's s-f oeuvre.
alt.fan.peter.hammill Fans of the avant-garde musician.
alt.fan.pratchett For fans of Terry Pratchett, s-f humor writer.
alt.fan.q The Qmnipotent Qne holds court here.
alt.fan.shostakovich Classical music composer.
alt.fan.suicide-squid Breathtaking adventure stories.
alt.fan.tna For the college radio show "T n A".
alt.fan.tom-robbins A novelist of quaint & affecting tales.
alt.fan.tom_peterson Portland, Oregon's favorite son.
alt.fan.warlord The War Lord of the West Preservation Fan Club.
alt.fandom.cons Announcements of conventions (SciFi and others).
alt.fandom.misc Other topics for fans of various kinds.
alt.fashion All facets of the fasion industry discussed.
alt.fax.bondage The ancient secrets revealed.
alt.feet Tales too ticklish to tell.
alt.fishing Fishing as a hobby and sport.
alt.flack FubGeniuf ftuff.
alt.flame Alternative, literate, pithy, succinct screaming.
alt.flame.psu Penn State gets its own.
alt.flame.spelling Fore andd abowt piple whoe kant spel.
alt.folklore.college Collegiate humor.
alt.folklore.computers Stories & anecdotes about computers (some true!).
alt.folklore.ghost-stories Boo!.
alt.folklore.science The folklore of science, not the science of folklore.
alt.folklore.urban Urban legends, ala Jan Harold Brunvand.
alt.fondle.vomit Chia pet replacement.
alt.food Most folks like it.
alt.food.cocacola & Royal Crown, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, NEHI, etc...
alt.foolish.users Final resting place for the "idiot-proof" zealots.
alt.forgery One place for all forgeries--crossposting encouraged.
alt.fractals Fractals in math, graphics, and art.
alt.freedom.of.information.act "...EXCEPT THAT Congress shall limit...".
alt.french.captain.borg.borg.borg Picard, you are not yourself lately.
alt.galactic-guide Entries for the actual Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
alt.games.gb The Galactic Bloodshed conquest game.
alt.games.lynx The Atari Lynx.
alt.games.mornington.crescent Discussion of the Crescent game, and playing.
alt.games.omega The computer game Omega.
alt.games.sf2 The video game Street Fighter 2.
alt.games.torg Gateway for TORG mailing list.
alt.games.xtrek All about a Star Trek game for X.
alt.gathering.rainbow For discussing the annual Rainbow Gathering.
alt.good.news A place for some news that's good news.
alt.gopher Discussion of the gopher information service.
alt.gorby.gone.gone.gone Some say he did it to himself.
alt.gorets ...is like a crowded theatre full of piggies.
alt.gothic The gothic movement: things mournful and dark.
alt.gourmand Recipes & cooking info. (Moderated)
alt.graffiti Usenet spraypainters and their documenters.
alt.graphics Some prefer this to comp.graphics.
alt.graphics.pixutils Discussion of pixmap utilities.
alt.great-lakes Discussions of the Great Lakes and adjacent places.
alt.great.ass.paulina "For a year I get nothing and then this".
alt.guitar Guitar enthusiasts.
alt.hackers Descriptions of projects currently under development. (Moderated)
alt.half.operating.system.delay.delay.delay 1/2 an OS for 1/2 a computer, twice as late.
alt.heraldry.sca Heraldry in the Society of Creative Anachronism.
alt.hindu The Hindu religion. (Moderated)
alt.horror The horror genre.
alt.hotrod High speed automobiles. (Moderated)
alt.hypertext Discussion of hypertext -- uses, transport, etc.
alt.individualism Philosophies where individual rights are paramount.
alt.industrial The Industrial Computing Society.
alt.irc Internet Relay Chat material.
alt.irc.corruption Is nowhere safe?
alt.irc.recovery Kill your television... er, IRC client.
alt.is.too NOT!
alt.kalbo ??.
alt.karaoke Amazing that so many people know how to sing off-key.
alt.ketchup Whak* Whak* ...shake... Whak* Damn, all over my tie.
alt.kids-talk A place for the pre-college set on the net.
alt.lang.asm Assembly languages of various flavors.
alt.lang.basic The Language That Would Not Die.
alt.lang.cfutures Discussion of the future of the C programming language
alt.lang.intercal A joke language with a real compiler.
alt.lang.ml The ML and SML symbolic languages.
alt.lang.teco The TECO editor language.
alt.lawyers.sue.sue.sue Worse than banana slug fleas.
alt.locksmithing You locked your keys in *where*?
alt.lwaxana-troi.die.die.die More Stardrek.
alt.magic For discussion about stage magic.
alt.magick For discussion about supernatural arts.
alt.manga Discussion of non-Western comics.
alt.materials.simulaton Discussion of computer modeling of materials.
alt.mcdonalds Can I get fries with that?
alt.meditation.transcendental Contemplation of states beyond the teeth.
alt.messianic Messianic traditions.
alt.mindcontrol You WILL read this group and ENJOY it!
alt.missing-kids Locating missing children.
alt.models Model building, design, etc.
alt.motd Messages Of The Day.
alt.motorcycles.harley Hog heaven.
alt.mud.german For German-speaking MUD-er's.
alt.music.alternative For groups having 2 or less Platinum-selling albums.
alt.music.enya Gaelic set to spacey music.
alt.music.filk sf/fantasy related folk music.
alt.music.progressive Yes, Marillion, Asia, King Crimson, etc..
alt.music.rush For Rushheads.
alt.music.the.police Don't stand so close.
alt.my.crummy.boss Where'd I put my gun?
alt.my.head.hurts I can't believe this is happening AGAIN...
alt.mythology ??.
alt.national.enquirer Entertaining, utter drek.
alt.native Issues for and about indigenous peoples of the world.
alt.newbie Alt's answer to news.newusers.*.
alt.newgroup For people who don't like to rmgroup/newgroup things.
alt.news-media Don't believe the hype.
alt.nick.sucks Probably.
alt.noise BZZZZT! KRAK!! BLAM! %$@#*?! etc.
alt.out-of-body Nobody's home.
alt.overlords Office of the Omnipotent Overlords of the Omniverse.
alt.pagan Discussions about paganism & religion.
alt.paranormal Phenomena which are not scientifically explicable.
alt.parents-teens Parent-teenager relationships.
alt.party Parties, celebration and general debauchery.
alt.pcnews ??.
alt.peeves Discussion of peeves & related.
alt.personals Do you really want to meet someone this way?
alt.personals.ads Geek seeks Dweeb. Object: low-level interfacing.
alt.personals.bondage Are you tied up this evening?
alt.personals.misc Dweeb seeks Geek. Object: low-level interfacing.
alt.personals.poly Do you multiprocess?
alt.planning.urban As if any city is really planned.
alt.politics.british Politics and a real Queen, too.
alt.politics.bush Discussing Mr. Read-My-Lips.
alt.politics.clinton Discussing Slick Willie & Co.
alt.politics.correct A Neil Bush fan club.
alt.politics.democrats Another view of silly season in the US.
alt.politics.democrats.clinton Another view of silly season in the US.
alt.politics.democrats.d Another view of silly season in the US.
alt.politics.democrats.governors Another view of silly season in the US.
alt.politics.democrats.house Another view of silly season in the US.
alt.politics.democrats.senate Another view of silly season in the US.
alt.politics.elections Everyone who votes for Quayle gets a free lollipop.
alt.politics.homosexuality As the name implies
alt.politics.perot Discussion of the non-candidate.
alt.polyamory For those who maintain multiple love relationships.
alt.postmodern Postmodernism, semiotics, deconstruction, and the like.
alt.privacy Privacy issues in cyberspace.
alt.prose Postings of original writings, fictional & otherwise.
alt.prose.d Discussions about postings in alt.prose.
alt.psychoactives Better living through chemistry.
alt.pub.dragons-inn A computer fantasy environment (like Usenet is).
alt.pulp Paperback fiction, newsprint production, orange juice.
alt.radio.pirate Hide the gear, here comes the magic station-wagons.
alt.radio.scanner Discussion of scanning radio receivers.
alt.rap For fans of rap music.
alt.rap-gdead Fans of The Grateful Dead and Rap. Really.
alt.rave Techno-culture: music, dancing, drugs, dancing...
alt.recovery For people in recovery programs (e.g., AA, ACA, GA).
alt.religion.adm3a Flaming the merits of the Sigler-Lear ADM3A.
alt.religion.all-worlds Grokking the Church of All Worlds from Heinlein's book.
alt.religion.computers People who believe computing is "real life."
alt.religion.emacs Emacs. Umacs. We all macs.
alt.religion.kibology He's Fred, Jim.
alt.religion.scientology He's dead, Jim.
alt.revisionism "It CAN'T be that way 'cause here's the FACTS".
alt.rhode_island Discussion of the great little state.
alt.rissa Fans (and otherwise) of Patricia O'Tuama.
alt.rmgroup For the people who like to rmgroup/newgroup things.
alt.rock-n-roll Counterpart to alt.sex and alt.drugs.
alt.rock-n-roll.acdc Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
alt.rock-n-roll.hard ??.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal For the headbangers on the net.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal.heavy Non-sissyboy metal bands.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal.metallica ??.
alt.rodney.king Four of a kind beat a king.
alt.romance Discussion about the romantic side of love.
alt.romance.chat Talk about no sex.
alt.rush-limbaugh Fans of the conservative activist radio announcer.
alt.satanism Not such a bad dude once you get to know him.
alt.save.the.earth Environmentalist causes.
alt.sb.programmer Programming the Sound Blaster card for IBM PClones.
alt.sci.astro.aips Discussions on the Astronomical Image Processing System.
alt.sci.physics.acoustics Sound advice.
alt.sci.physics.new-theories Scientific theories you won't find in journals.
alt.security.index Pointers to good stuff in {alt,misc}.security. (Moderated)
alt.self-improve Self-improvement in less than 14 characters.
alt.sewing Working with needle and thread.
alt.sex.NOT For those who've had enough of sex, or else want to.
alt.sex.aluminum.baseball.bat Postings of a very prurient nature.
alt.sexual.abuse.recovery Helping others deal with traumatic experiences.
alt.sexy.bald.captains More Stardrek.
alt.silly.group.names.d Eponymy.
alt.skate-board Discussion of all apsects of skate-boarding.
alt.skinheads The skinhead culture/anti-culture.
alt.slack Posting relating to the Church of the Subgenius.
alt.smouldering.dog.zone Explosions and the deity.
alt.snowmobiles High-horsepower sleds in the powder.
alt.society.ati The Activist Times Digest. (Moderated)
alt.society.civil-disob Civil disobedience.
alt.society.civil-liberties Individual rights.
alt.society.revolution Discussions on revolution(s).
alt.society.sovereign Independantistes, unite!
alt.sources Alternative source code, unmoderated. Caveat Emptor.
alt.sources.amiga Technically-oriented Amiga PC sources.
alt.sources.d Discussion of posted sources.
alt.sources.index Pointers to source code in alt.sources.*. (Moderated)
alt.sources.patches Reposted patches from non-bugs groups.
alt.sources.wanted Requests for source code.
alt.spam.tin Spam is neither particle nor wave - it is a property.
alt.spleen The spleen is underappreciated...
alt.sport.bowling In the gutter again.
alt.sport.bungee Like alt.suicide with rubber bands.
alt.sport.darts Look what you've done to the wall!
alt.sport.lasertag Indoor splatball with infrared lasers.
alt.stagecraft Technical theatre issues.
alt.startrek.creative Stories and parodies related to Star Trek.
alt.stupid.putz Getting the next-to-the-last word.
alt.stupidity Discussion about stupid newsgroups.
alt.suburbs Sprawling on the fringes of the city.
alt.suicide.finals Is that last name, first?
alt.suicide.holiday Talk of why suicides increase at holidays.
alt.support Dealing with emotional situations & experiences.
alt.support.cancer Dealing with the Big C.
alt.support.diet Seeking enlightenment through weight loss.
alt.support.mult-sclerosis Discussion about living with multiple sclerosis.
alt.surfing Riding the ocean waves.
alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork Don't ask.
alt.sys.amiga.demos Code and talk to show off the Amiga.
alt.sys.amiga.uucp AmigaUUCP.
alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches Patches for AmigaUUCP.
alt.sys.intergraph Support for Intergraph machines.
alt.tasteless Truly disgusting.
alt.test Alternative subnetwork testing.
alt.text.dwb Discussion of the AT&T Documenter's WorkBench.
alt.thrash Thrashlife.
alt.timewasters ??.
alt.tla Palindromic fun, or else Three-Letter-Acronyms.
alt.toolkits.xview The X windows XView toolkit.
alt.toon-pics More copyright violations.
alt.true.crime To balance out all the false crime on the net.
alt.tv.antagonists Fans of the new "The Antagonists" TV show.
alt.tv.dinosaurs The bigger they are...
alt.tv.la-law For the folks out in la-law land.
alt.tv.northern-exp For the TV show with moss growing on it.
alt.tv.prisoner The Prisoner television series from years ago.
alt.tv.red-dwarf The British sci-fi/comedy show.
alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy Some change from Lassie, eh?
alt.tv.simpsons Don't have a cow, man!
alt.tv.tiny-toon Discussion about the "Tiny Toon Adventures" show.
alt.tv.twin-peaks Discussion about the popular (and unusual) TV show.
alt.usage.english English grammar, word usages, and related topics.
alt.usenet.recovery Reupholster your news reader.
alt.uu.announce Announcements of Usenet University.
alt.uu.comp.misc Computer department of Usenet University.
alt.uu.future Planning the future of Usenet University.
alt.uu.lang.esperanto.misc Study of Esperanto in Usenet University.
alt.uu.lang.misc Language department of Usenet University.
alt.uu.math.misc Math department of Usenet University.
alt.uu.misc.misc Misc. department of Usenet University.
alt.uu.tools Tools for Usenet University and education.
alt.uu.virtual-worlds.misc Study of virtual worlds in Usenet University.
alt.vampyres Discussion of vampires and related writings, films, etc.
alt.wall ??. (Moderated)
alt.wanted.mars.women Mars Needs Women!
alt.wanted.moslem.gay ??.
alt.wanted.moslem.men ??.
alt.wanted.moslem.women ??.
alt.war Not just collateral damage.
alt.war.civil.usa Lest we forget...
alt.weemba Talk & flames about the one & only Weemba.
alt.whine Why me?
alt.who.is.bob Send $11.
alt.zines Small magazines, mostly noncommercial.
Submissions to the moderated alt.gourmand group should be mailed to
recipes@decwrl.dec.com (Brian Reid). alt.society.cu-digest
submissions should be mailed to tk0jut2@niu.bitnet or
cud@chinacat.unicom.com (Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer).
You can join the "alt subnet" by finding a site in your area that
carries the groups. Either send mail to the administrators of the
sites you connect to, or post something to a local "general" or
"wanted" newsgroup for your area . If no sites nearby are getting
them, you can get them from uunet.
There is a newsgroup hierarchy for topics interesting to biologists
called "bionet" originating from genbank.bio.net and carried on a
growing number of machines including rutgers, phri, mit-eddie, ukma,
and all of the machines at UCSD. Contact David Kristofferson
<biosci@genbank.bio.net> for more details. The current newsgroup list
looks like this:
bionet.agroforestry Discussion of Agroforestry.
bionet.announce Announcements of interest to biologists. (Moderated)
bionet.biology.computational Computer and mathematical applications. (Moderated)
bionet.biology.tropical Discussions about tropical biology.
bionet.general General BIOSCI discussion.
bionet.genome.chrom22 Discussion of Chromosome 22.
bionet.genome.arabidopsis Information about the Arabidopsis project.
bionet.immunology Discussions about research in immunology.
bionet.info-theory Discussions about biological information theory.
bionet.jobs Scientific Job opportunities.
bionet.journals.contents Contents of biology journal publications.
bionet.molbio.ageing Discussions of cellular and organismal ageing.
bionet.molbio.bio-matrix Computer applications to biological databases.
bionet.molbio.embldatabank Info about the EMBL Nucleic acid database.
bionet.molbio.evolution How genes and proteins have evolved.
bionet.molbio.gdb Messages to and from the GDB database staff.
bionet.molbio.genbank Info about the GenBank Nucleic acid database.
bionet.molbio.genbank.updates Hot off the presses! (Moderated)
bionet.molbio.gene-linkage Discussions about genetic linkage analysis.
bionet.molbio.genome-program Discussion of Human Genome Project issues.
bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts Requests for information and lab reagents.
bionet.molbio.hiv Discussions about the molecular biology of HIV.
bionet.molbio.proteins Research on proteins and protein databases.
bionet.neuroscience Research issues in the neurosciences.
bionet.plants Discussion about all aspects of plant biology.
bionet.population-bio Technical discussions about population biology.
bionet.sci-resources Information about funding agencies, etc.
bionet.software Information about software for biology.
bionet.software.sources Software Source relating to biology. (Moderated)
bionet.users.addresses Who's who in Biology.
bionet.women-in-bio Discussions about women in biology.
bionet.xtallography Discussions about protein crystallography.
Submissions to bionet.software.sources should be mailed to
software-sources@genbank.bio.net (Kenton Hoover).
bit" is a collection of newsgroups which are being distributed by a
collection of sites that choose to carry them. The "bit" newsgroups
are redistributions of the more popular BitNet LISTSERV mailing lists.
Here is a list of the "bit" newsgroups:
bit.admin bit Newgroups Discussions.
bit.general Discussions Relating to BitNet/Usenet.
bit.listserv.advanc-l Geac Advanced Integrated Library System Users.
bit.listserv.advise-l User Services List.
bit.listserv.aix-l IBM AIX Discussion List.
bit.listserv.allmusic Discussions on all forms of Music.
bit.listserv.appc-l APPC Discussion List.
bit.listserv.apple2-l Apple II List.
bit.listserv.applicat Applications under BITNET.
bit.listserv.ashe-l Higher Ed Policy and Research.
bit.listserv.asm370 IBM 370 Assembly Programming Discussions.
bit.listserv.autism Autism and Developmental Disability List.
bit.listserv.banyan-l Banyan Vines Network Software Discussions.
bit.listserv.big-lan Campus-Size LAN Discussion Group. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.billing Chargeback of computer resources.
bit.listserv.biosph-l Biosphere, ecology, Discussion List.
bit.listserv.bitnews BITNET News.
bit.listserv.buslib-l Business Libraries List.
bit.listserv.c+health Computer and Health Discussion List.
bit.listserv.candle-l Candle Products Discussion List.
bit.listserv.cdromlan CD-ROM on Local Area Networks.
bit.listserv.christia Practical Christian Life.
bit.listserv.cics-l CICS Discussion List.
bit.listserv.cinema-l Discussions on all forms of Cinema.
bit.listserv.circplus Circulation Reserve and Related Library Issues.
bit.listserv.cmspip-l VM/SP CMS Pipelines Discussion List.
bit.listserv.commed Communication education.
bit.listserv.csg-l Control System Group Network.
bit.listserv.cumrec-l CUMREC-L Administrative computer use.
bit.listserv.cw-email Campus-Wide E-mail Disussion List.
bit.listserv.cwis-l Campus-Wide Information Systems.
bit.listserv.cyber-l CDC Computer Discussion.
bit.listserv.c18-l 18th Century Interdisciplinary Discussion.
bit.listserv.c370-l C/370 Discussion List.
bit.listserv.dasig Database Administration.
bit.listserv.dbase-l Discussion on the use of the dBase IV.
bit.listserv.db2-l DB2 Data Base Discussion List.
bit.listserv.deaf-l Deaf List.
bit.listserv.decnews Digital Equipment Corporation News List.
bit.listserv.dectei-l DECUS Education Software Library Discussions.
bit.listserv.dipl-l Diplomacy Game Discussion List.
bit.listserv.disarm-l Disarmament Discussion List.
bit.listserv.domain-l Domains Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.earntech EARN Technical Group.
bit.listserv.edi-l Electronic Data Interchange Issues.
bit.listserv.edpolyan Professionals and Students Discuss Education.
bit.listserv.edstat-l Statistics Education Discussion List.
bit.listserv.edtech EDTECH - Educational Technology. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.emusic-l Electronic Music Discussion List.
bit.listserv.envbeh-l Forum on Environment and Human Behavior.
bit.listserv.erl-l Educational Research List.
bit.listserv.ethics-l Discussion of Ethics in Computing.
bit.listserv.ethology Ethology List.
bit.listserv.euearn-l Eastern Europe List.
bit.listserv.film-l Film making and reviews List.
bit.listserv.fnord-l New Ways of Thinking List.
bit.listserv.frac-l FRACTAL Discussion List.
bit.listserv.games-l Computer Games List.
bit.listserv.gaynet GayNet Discussion List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.gddm-l The GDDM Discussion List.
bit.listserv.geodesic List for the Discussion of Buckminster Fuller.
bit.listserv.gguide BITNIC GGUIDE List.
bit.listserv.govdoc-l Discussion of Government Document Issues.
bit.listserv.gutnberg GUTNBERG Discussion List.
bit.listserv.hellas The Hellenic Discussion List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.history History List.
bit.listserv.i-amiga Info-Amiga List.
bit.listserv.ibm-hesc IBM Higher Education Consortium.
bit.listserv.ibm-main IBM Mainframe Discussion List.
bit.listserv.ibm-nets BITNIC IBM-NETS List.
bit.listserv.ibmtcp-l IBM TCP/IP List.
bit.listserv.ibm7171 Protocol Converter List.
bit.listserv.info-gcg INFO-GCG: GCG Genetics Software Discussion.
bit.listserv.infonets Infonets Redistribution.
bit.listserv.ingrafx Information Graphics.
bit.listserv.innopac Innovative Interfaces Online Public Access.
bit.listserv.ioob-l Industrial Psychology.
bit.listserv.isn ISN Data Switch Technical Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.jes2-l JES2 Discussion group.
bit.listserv.jnet-l BITNIC JNET-L List.
bit.listserv.l-hcap Handicap List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.l-vmctr VMCENTER Components Discussion List.
bit.listserv.lawsch-l Law School Discussion List.
bit.listserv.liaison BITNIC LIAISON.
bit.listserv.libref-l Library Reference Issues. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.libres Library and Information Science Research.
bit.listserv.license Software Licensing List.
bit.listserv.linkfail Link failure announcements.
bit.listserv.literary Discussions about Literature.
bit.listserv.lstsrv-l Forum on LISTSERV.
bit.listserv.mail-l BITNIC MAIL-L List.
bit.listserv.mailbook MAIL/MAILBOOK subscription List.
bit.listserv.mba-l MBA Student curriculum Discussion.
bit.listserv.mbu-l Megabyte University - Computers and Writing.
bit.listserv.medlib-l Medical Libraries Discussion List.
bit.listserv.mednews MEDNEWS - Health Info-Com Network Newsletter.
bit.listserv.mideur-l Middle Europe Discussion List.
bit.listserv.netnws-l NETNWS-L Netnews List.
bit.listserv.new-list NEW-LIST - New List Announcements. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.next-l NeXT Computer List.
bit.listserv.nodmgt-l Node Management.
bit.listserv.notis-l NOTIS/DOBIS Discussion group List.
bit.listserv.notabene Nota Bene List.
bit.listserv.novell Novell LAN Interest Group.
bit.listserv.omrscan OMR Scanner Discussion.
bit.listserv.ozone OZONE Discussion List.
bit.listserv.pacs-l Public-Access Computer System Forum. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.page-l IBM 3812/3820 Tips and Problems Discussion List.
bit.listserv.pagemakr PageMaker for Desktop Publishers.
bit.listserv.pmdf-l PMDF Distribution List.
bit.listserv.politics Forum for the Discussion of Politics.
bit.listserv.power-l POWER-L IBM RS/6000 POWER Family.
bit.listserv.psycgrad Psychology Grad Student Discussions.
bit.listserv.qualrs-l Qualitative Research of the Human Sciences.
bit.listserv.relusr-l Relay Users Forum.
bit.listserv.rexxlist REXX Programming Discussion List.
bit.listserv.rhetoric Rhetoric, social movements, persuasion.
bit.listserv.rscs-l VM/RSCS Mailing List.
bit.listserv.rscsmods The RSCS modifications List.
bit.listserv.s-comput SuperComputers List.
bit.listserv.sas-l SAS Discussion.
bit.listserv.script-l IBM vs Waterloo SCRIPT Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.scuba-l Scuba diving Discussion List.
bit.listserv.seasia-l Southeast Asia Discussion List.
bit.listserv.sfs-l VM Shared File System Discussion List.
bit.listserv.sganet Student Government Global Mail Network.
bit.listserv.simula The SIMULA Language List.
bit.listserv.slart-l SLA Research and Teaching.
bit.listserv.slovak-l Slovak Discussion List.
bit.listserv.snamgt-l SNA Network Management Discussion.
bit.listserv.sos-data Social Science Data List.
bit.listserv.spires-l SPIRES Conference List.
bit.listserv.sportpsy Exercise and Sports Psychology.
bit.listserv.spssx-l SPSSX Discussion.
bit.listserv.sqlinfo Forum for SQL/DS and Related Topics.
bit.listserv.stat-l STATISTICAL CONSULTING.
bit.listserv.tech-l BITNIC TECH-L List.
bit.listserv.test Test Newsgroup.
bit.listserv.tex-l The TeXnical topics List.
bit.listserv.tn3270-l tn3270 protocol Discussion List.
bit.listserv.trans-l BITNIC TRANS-L List.
bit.listserv.travel-l Tourism Discussions.
bit.listserv.ucp-l University Computing Project Mailing List.
bit.listserv.ug-l Usage Guidelines.
bit.listserv.uigis-l User Interface for Geographical Info Systems.
bit.listserv.urep-l UREP-L Mailing List.
bit.listserv.usrdir-l User Directory List.
bit.listserv.valert-l Virus Alert List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.vfort-l VS-Fortran Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vm-util VM Utilities Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vmesa-l VM/ESA Mailing List.
bit.listserv.vmslsv-l VAX/VMS LISTSERV Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vmxa-l VM/XA Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vnews-l VNEWS Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vpiej-l Electronic Publishing Discussion List.
bit.listserv.win3-l Microsoft Windows Version 3 Forum.
bit.listserv.words-l English Language Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.wpwin-l WordPerfect for Windows.
bit.listserv.wpcorp-l WordPerfect Corporation Products Discussions.
bit.listserv.xcult-l International Intercultural Newsletter.
bit.listserv.xedit-l VM System Editor List.
bit.listserv.xerox-l The Xerox Discussion List.
bit.listserv.xmailer Crosswell Mailer.
bit.listserv.xtropy-l Extopian List.
bit.listserv.x400-l x.400 Protocol List.
bit.listserv.9370-l IBM 9370 and VM/IS specific topics List.
bit.mailserv.word-mac Word Processing on the Macintosh.
bit.mailserv.word-pc Word Processing on the IBM PC.
"Biz" is a distribution of newsgroups that are carried and propagated
by sites interested in the world of business products around them -- in
particular, computer products and services. This includes product
announcements, announcements of fixes and enhancements, product
reviews, and postings of demo software. Current biz groups include:
biz.books.technical A place to contact book sellers & buyers.
biz.clarinet Announcements about ClariNet.
biz.clarinet.sample Samples of ClariNet newsgroups for the outside world.
biz.comp.hardware Generic commercial hardware postings.
biz.comp.services Generic commercial service postings.
biz.comp.software Generic commercial software postings.
biz.comp.telebit Support of the Telebit modem.
biz.comp.telebit.netblazer The Telebit Netblazer.
biz.config Biz Usenet configuration and administration.
biz.control Control information and messages.
biz.dec DEC equipment & software.
biz.dec.ip IP networking on DEC machines.
biz.dec.workstations DEC workstation discussions & info.
biz.jobs.offered Position announcements.
biz.misc Miscellaneous postings of a commercial nature.
biz.sco.announce SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated)
biz.sco.binaries Binary packages for SCO Xenix, UNIX, or ODT.
biz.sco.general Q&A, discussions and comments on SCO products.
biz.sco.opendesktop ODT environment and applications tech info, q&a.
biz.sco.sources Source code ported to an SCO operating environment.